Summary: Cinder the first book in the Lunar Chronicles, loosely inspired by the story of Cinderella, is a futuristic novel about a sixteen-year-old cyborg named Cinder. After a mysterious childhood accident orphans Cinder and leaves her a cyborg, she is ostracized by society and her adoptive family in New Beijing, Cinder's home, which faces twin threats: a deadly plague called letumosis and the Lunars, a race of highly-evolved humans who have colonized the moon. When the emperor’s son seeks Cinder out for her skill as a mechanic, she is swept up in the growing conflict between the people of Earth and the people of the moon.
Violence/Disturbing Images: High. Several people are almost forced to kill themselves from mind control. Several people shot. Many people die of a disease. One character coughs up blood.
Sensuality/Nudity: High. No nudity. Heavy romance though, with one kiss. Many crushes. References to Escort Droids. One person makes a joke about sex change surgery.
Profanity: Mild. One d****it. One "to H***l with it".
Morality: Low. Loyalty, doing what's right at the risk of your own life. But no Christian or even Christian compatible worldview.
A good book series, well written and exciting, but definitely not for a younger audience. Read at your own discretion.
Overall Recommendation: Ages 18+