Summary: The true-life story of one of Canada's most notable female heroines, Laura Secord, is riddled with conflict. Born just prior to the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War, Laura's childhood was keenly affected by the strife between America and Britain. But even with the end of the War for Independence, Laura's life is anything but easy. Her father moves the family to homestead in Upper Canada where within a decade of their arrival, friends and families will be pitted against each other in the War of 1812. Laura embarks on one of the most well-known but dangerous treks to warn the British army of an impending American attack, despite the risk that with one wrong move she could leave her small family without a mother.
Violence/Disturbing Images: Moderate; As this novel covers content pertaining to the War of 1812 there is mention of gunfire, men being wounded and killed, etc.; description of character tending to a severe gunshot wound; a doctor tries to suffocate a Negro man.
Profanity: Minimal; a couple exclamations of “My G—!”
Sensuality/Nudity: Character is teased about having a beau; boy kisses a girl; couple kisses (they later get married)
Morality: Some; Characters pray and reference God’s providence and protection.
Being a history buff, I have often read about the War of 1812, but strangely enough, this was the first book I'd ever read that canvased the story of the war in Canada. I thoroughly enjoyed the history involved and the author's clarification of what in the story was true and what had been fictionalized. I liked how the story was divided into three parts, with each part separated by a space of several years so the reader can see how the main character grew and developed over the years. Awesome historical read!
Overall Recommendation: Ages 10+
God bless!